Fire, linked to the mystery that is revealed by the myth of Plato's cave, to the fascination of the discovery of the light that illuminates the darkness, but also to the sublime that seduces and at the same time borders on the danger of destruction. The light of the candles refer to an ancestral and sacred dimension that Elisa Zadi has explored through this site-specific pictorial installation. In fact, the artist uses architectural elements found on site to abstract the archetypal sense of natural elements and validate his idea of an essential and unstable bond between man and nature: Satus-Initio, the initiation of something new, this is the message towards nature that Elisa would like to instill in us, recreating a sort of visual path that becomes an altar-landscape that can be contemplated in an immersive vision. The installation presents a series of pictorial works depicting the natural elements and the man symbolically represented by the artist's self-portrait: each work is set up using architectural elements and is lit by candles.